What is Chinese Balm? | Chinese Balms| Tiger Balm| The Nice Bazaar

What is Chinese Balm? | Chinese Balms| Tiger Balm| The Nice Bazaar

Chinese Balm, a magical little item originating from the ancient East, is a versatile summer household essential. It is made from a blend of essential oils and natural ingredients such as menthol, eucalyptus oil, and camphor, and is known for its cooling properties. Chinese Balm was created by Chinese laborers during the Qing Dynasty to prevent mosquito bites and provide pain relief and itch reduction. It is a staple in Chinese households, renowned for its multifunctional uses, portability, and cooling and soothing effects during the hot summer months. The mini iron tin, with its red casing and unique cooling scent, has accompanied the growth of many Chinese people.

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