We have a QA team to check your order products before they are packed and sent, but sometimes a return or an exchange is necessary. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please take advantage of our cancellation policy and return & refund policy.

Regarding the problems not mentioned below, please email including an explanation and photographs stating the reason for your request.

Can I change my order?

Yes, as long as the item's not been shipped. Also you can amend your contact and delivery details.

Cancel Policy

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, as long as the item's not been shipped.
All of our products can be canceled until they are shipped. If your order is unpaid, you can easily cancel your order by yourself. If your order has been paid, you can contact our customer service to cancel your order.
Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be canceled. We cannot guarantee any request to cancel or modify an order once production has already begun. There are no order cancellations accepted once production has begun on any custom or specialty products (items that are not a stock size).

Please note that we may offer a corresponding cancellation policy or solution to customers’ inquiries based on the different product categories.
1. Orders canceled before shipping will be eligible for a full refund, except for made-to-order products.
2. Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be canceled.

Return Policy

We encourage you to go on a thorough check-up when you receive the package and make sure whether the items are the ones you have specified.

Customers can enjoy the return service without reason within 30 days of receiving a product (calculated based on courier record, the same below). when returning the goods, the customer must present valid proof of purchase and provide the invoice (if any). The customer must ensure that the returned product retains the original quality and function, intact appearance, and the complete trademark and certification mark still attached.
If the product is damaged, the packaging box or any items are missing, or other conditions that affect secondary sales, the return will not be accepted. The logistics costs incurred when returning goods should be paid by the customer.
The refund shall be returned to the customer within 10 business days from the date of receiving the returned goods that meet the requirements. The refund method is the same as the payment method. Refunds will be arranged to the same payment method you used to place this order. The specific date that funds are available to the customer may be affected by factors such as banks and payment institutions.

Defective, Damaged, Mis-shipped, Lost Items:
1. If we've missed something or sent you the wrong thing, just let us know within 14 days. It really helps if you send us a few photos of the damage or any other issues. Our team will assess your complaint and let you know how to return the item or other solutions. We'll either give you a full refund, or order you a replacement.
2. If you believe your item was damaged during shipping, you must obtain "Proof of Damage" documentation from your delivery carrier, which should be included in your returned package.

How can I return the defective item to Thenicebazaar?
Please email before returning a defective item to receive the return shipping address and other instructions. The Nice Bazaar will not be responsible for returned item(s) without notifying us in advance.

What we need:
1. your order number;
2. the product ID or name and the quantity;
3. a short description of the problem occurred with this product;

When will you receive your refund After return items successfully?

After our custom service agree your refund and check all done is compliant with our return policy, our custom service will operate your refund and within 10 business days you can receive your refund.

Any purchase on indicates that you have read, understood and agreed with our Cancellation & Return Policy stated above.